
Our Turbines

With the help of volunteers from around the world we are able to build top quality turbines for a fraction of the usual cost. Every location is different but with average conditions on the big island our 10’ turbines will generate over 1000 kWh every month. The average household in the US uses 909 kWh per month.

Each of our turbines can replace 600 gallons of oil burned for electricity in Hawaii every year!


What this means for you

Find this section on a recent electric bill. If the number in the blue box under Difference is lower than 1000 our turbines will produce more power than you need. Not only will you receive no bill, the electric company will issue you a credit for the power you produced but didn't use! If your usage is over 1000 one of our turbines will reduce your bill by $360 on average every month, more than paying for itself.


Our Guarantee

We stand behind our products. When we install your system we’ll work with you to find out what your new electric bill will be. If a bill comes that’s higher than our quote we’ll pay the difference, no questions asked.